OCTOBER FIRST: Branch 29 will Re-Open!!!

It has been 6 and a half months since COVID and a flood caused our closure… We are finally able to announce that we will do a “Soft Re-opening” of Branch 29 beginning October 1st. We are looking forward to reconnecting with our Legion Family again and welcoming new patrons and members. Because your health and safety is our number one priority, we will be following ALL recommendations from Public Health.

For the first two weeks we will not do meat draws, serve food or have children in the premises. The Executive will be meeting on the 15th of October. Once we can have food available, we will look at opening it to include families. We are intentionally going slow and careful. We care deeply about your safety, but we can hardly wait until you return. Our capacity will be 50 people including staff and volunteers. Please be patient with that. We cannot have more than 50 in the Canteen. EVERYONE will need to sign in for contact tracing. When you have signed in you can go to a table with a green card, indicating it has been cleaned for you. Please stay in your bubble group.

Safety information will be posted at the door and on your tables. Please follow these regulations. Please give us constructive feedback on our soft opening. We know that we will learn and make improvements as we go along. Welcome Back!
(If you are interested in volunteering on one of our opening days, please message us. We will need volunteers to assist Canteen staff until safety routines are manageable from the staff)