It has been a challenging time, but still we have persevered and continue to bring about positive changes.
SOFT OPENING: We opened October first with COVID safe guards in place. It has been wonderful seeing our Legion family return. We have opened with extreme caution and continue to make health and safety a top priority. We now have brought back darts and meat draws.
EXECUTIVE and GENERAL MEETINGS: BC Yukon Command has requested that our executives stay in place until such time as we can have General Meetings and elections our current executive will remain in place. In September Amanda Lawrence resigned from the Executive as she accepted our vacant bar tender position. We appointed Vickie Gall to the Executive and shifted some of our responsibilities. Vickie was one of our very active “Do’ers” and now is Chair of Ways and Means. We also have another vacancy as Loise Geoffrion has also tendered her resignation. We are very excited about the Executive Team that we have built and the directions we are moving in. If you are interested in joining our executive please message us at to express your interest. The Executive has been meeting monthly through a combination of safe distancing and tele-conferencing. When we can once again have a general Meeting, we will have much to share with the membership.
RENOVATION UPDATES: We just wanted to share a little of what has been happening in our branch. Some of this has been through our own fundraising, through grants and through our insurance claim. Already done:
-Lighting and ceiling in half of the canteen
– Flooring up and down
-Painting in the canteen and part of the upper hall
– Electrical upgrades
-Asphalt driveway
-Repairs to heating, cooling and refrigeration
We still have a long list of To Do’s-We will put a suspended ceiling and lighting on the other half of the canteen. Currently that 1/2 has 11 holes in the ceiling. This project will begin soon-We have an offer on our Snooker Table so we will soon begin some work on our Hall of Hero’s in that space.- We are fundraising and writing grants to replace our roof. We have received over $4,000 in cash donations that we are holding in trust for our roof. Every dollar counts!- Once the roof has been replaced we can fix our ceilings upstairs in the upper hall and complete our painting upstairs. It is a daunting list, but we are up for the challenge and are very determined to have Branch 29 return to its Glory Days! Check out the pictures of the ceiling that is done and that remains to be done. You will see why we are pushing ahead one project at a time.
REMEMBRANCE DAY: Our plans for Remembrance Day changed in keeping with Public Health requirements. In the end we were able to do a small indoor program that was broadcast virtually for our community to see. As always the Fly Over was well received. As we were planning for Remembrance Day, it became clear that we would not be able to have our WW2 vets in attendance. For many, their age and health meant it would be too much of a risk for them to participate. We wanted to thank our Vets for their service so we planned what we called a curb side salute. We did a small convey. Once we arrived close to a Veteran’s Residence, we got out. Brian O’Neil played the Bagpipes, Pastor Haberstock led us in a prayer and Retired Master Sargent Army Veteran, Dwayne McKenzie led our curbside parade and salute. It was a great honour to do this for the 12 vets who participated.